Do you shop for locally made craft items for Christmas?
The Deacons of Christ Presbyterian Church are hosting a craft fair at our church on Saturday, November 7th from 9am until 3 pm.
Do you shop for locally made craft items for Christmas?
The Deacons of Christ Presbyterian Church are hosting a craft fair at our church on Saturday, November 7th from 9am until 3 pm.
Izaak Walton Glen Park Chapter —- 5700 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, IN 46410
Proceeds to Disable American Veterans and Christ Presbyterian Church
Photos of the event are located here.
Join us along with LOFS and St. John Fire Departments, and Winfield Police Marshal Dan Ball for a day of fun and safety.
Event highlights include the following:
See a fire truck, ambulance and police car
Learn about Stranger Danger
Learn about bike safety and care
Have car seats inspected
Enjoy a snow cone
Free hair cuts for children ages 8 and under with a $10 donation to the LOFS Fire Department
Plus, the first 50 kids get a free toy fire helmet.
Join us, along with Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, July 27 – 31st from 6 – 8pm. Meet at CPC for a trip up the mountain. Dress comfortable for fun activities, crafts, and snacks as we embark on our journey with God. God’s children of all ages, big and small, are welcome.
Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 10am to 3pm
Come and have a fun time at our 2nd Annual Car Show and Raffle.
Trophies will be awarded at 2 pm in three categories: Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles
The first 30 entries received will be awarded a gift bag.
All entrants will receive a free gift card drawing.
Raffle table with several items from local businesses.
50-50 drawing will also be held.
Proceeds to support Riley’s Children’s Hospital & Christ Presbyterian Church.
Live band entertainment!
Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
For more information call Bob at (219) 588-6315
Photo copyright by Pam Hay 2014. Used by permission.
Trophies will be awarded at 2 pm in three categories: Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles.
Click here for a Registration Form. The first 50 entries received will be awarded a gift bag. All entrants will receive a free gift card drawing.
Raffle drawing will be held at 1 pm. Prizes include large screen TV, wine club membership, and gift cards from local businesses. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10. A 50-50 drawing will also be held.
Proceeds to support Riley’s Children’s Hospital & Christ Presbyterian Church.
Listen to music by the Stone Rollers during the show.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
For more information call Bob at (219) 588-6315
Are you getting ready for Spring cleaning and that annual purge of the unwanted.
Please donate your goods to our Annual Church Yard Sale.
Your donations are tax deductible.
No electronics (televisions, stereos, phones, laptop/tablets, etc.).
Please put donated items in Class Room 2 by May 12th.
Items will be sold on a free will donation basis.
All unsold items will be donated to a local charity.
The Easter Bunny will visit Christ Church
on Saturday, March 21st, 2015 from 9-11 am.
Doughnuts, orange juice, and milk or coffee will be served.
All children and their parents/grandparents may have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. All children may receive a printed photograph before they leave and another may requested by email. In addition to pictures children can make crafts, participate in an Easter Egg Hunt, win door prizes, and eat some yummy donuts. A $3 donation will be requested.
Children hunting for about 2,000 eggs will be separated into three age groups.
No reservations needed.
In the event of inclement weather, this even may be held indoors.